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Our Services

Premier Global Immigration Experts Trusted Solutions



Study Visa

Get free advice on courses, colleges, entrance requirements, and the application process from professionals both offline and online.

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Visitor Visa

You can see friends and family, go to business meetings, and receive medical care if you have a visitor visa. With Indo-West, get a free online profile evaluation.

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Dependent Visa

Dependents can be a spouse or minor children (unmarried) who want to join the main applicant in any of the countries. Apply with Indo-West to accompany your family member abroad.

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Canada Migration

Through a number of initiatives, including family sponsorship, refugee resettlement, and Express Entry, Canada welcomes immigrants and offers chances for skilled labor, reunion, and those in need of protection, all while promoting diversity and development.

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Australia Migration

Multiple migration channels, including humanitarian programs, skilled visas, and family reunion, are provided by Australia. These pathways draw people looking for work, family harmony, and refuge, adding to the country's diversified population and economy.

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Offline Coaching

"Indowest provides individualized attention and professional tutoring for offline instruction. Effective learning is ensured by extensive course offerings and flexible scheduling. Come together with us to succeed in your academic endeavors!"

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Reality Test

IELTS, PTE, and DUOLINGO: Determine your true level prior to the final exam

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Permanent Residency

Submit your application for Permanent Residency with Indo-West to migrate to your dream destination. We help you in finding the best permanent residency pathways that suit your need

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Spouse Visa

Married couples can bring their spouses abroad to live together with the help of a spouse visa. For spouse visas in Canada, Australia, the USA, the UK, New Zealand, etc., Indo-West is the best option.

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To Improve Your Express Entry Application

Three things you can do right now to improve all from the comfort of your own home

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To Improve Your Express Entry Application